- Mittens
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- Mittens
The mittens pictured here are samples only. If you are interested in purchasing a pair of my hand-knit mittens, the price is $60 for a pair. THIS INCLUDES SHIPPING. Each pair of mittens takes me approximately 12-14 hours to knit, depending on the complexity of the pattern and how big they are. Each pair is made specifically for you based on measurements of your hand. If you want a pair, you must provide me with the following information: All mittens are knit with 100% natural wool such as sheep, alpaca, llama, or a blend.
1) Measurement of your hand in inches from the tip of your middle finger down to your wrist.
2) Two or three of your favorite colors.
3) Do you prefer a plain mitten (all one color) or one with a design (2 or 3 colors)? Design choice is done by me.
4) I also hand-dye yarns if you would like a mystery pair. These are done with a plain colored yarn of your color choice and a mystery yarn I have dyed.